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Трансформирующий метод


Нейрографика - это метод трансформирующего созидательного рисования, образующий новые нейронные связи в мозге, новые мысли, инсайты. Это метод не только самопознания, но и саморазвития, формирования новых сценариев своей жизни. 

Нейрографика помогает:

  • Выражать глубинные переживания

  • Обнаружить и трансформировать устаревшие шаблоны поведения и мышления

  • Переживать и выражать сильные эмоции

  • Прислушиваться к своей интуиции

  • Исследовать свои глубинные мечты и желания 

  • Творчески подойти к постановке и достижению целей

  • Создавать свою новую гармоничную реальность

  • Развить в себе творческий потенциал

  • Увидеть мир в новых красках

Я знакома с Нейрографикой с 2017 года и могу смело утверждать, что благодаря ей я смогла пройти через серьезные изменения в моей жизни с максимальным комфортом, находя творческие решения в разных ситуациях. Перед каждой серьезной встречей или мероприятием я обязательно рисую, настраиваю себя на событие и желаемый результат. И он всегда случается, не всегда в той форме, которую я ожидаю, но всегда в наилучшем варианте для меня.

Приведу пример, в 2019-ом году я закончила курс Инструктора Нейрографики и Эстетического коучинга. Мое желание преподавать англоязычной аудитории был огромен, я организовала курс, пришли люди, но меньше чем я ожидала. Я не отчаивалась и продолжала рисовать желаемых студентов и мое развитие как преподавателя. В результате, меня пригласили на позиции волонтера проводить занятия в детской колонии для трудных подростков. Пришли те студенты, которым этот метод был нужен больше всего, а одновременно с ними пришли и подростки из средней школы.  Занятия проводятся регулярно и мой потенциал преподавателя развивается гораздо сильнее и быстрее чем я могла мечтать. Каждое занятие проходит при наблюдении профессиональных детских психологов и они позитивно отзываются о потенциальных возможностях этого простого, красивого, но очень эффективного метода. 

Я не являюся психологом и ни в коем случае метод не может заменить профессиональной психологической помощи при диагностике или терапии, но является прекрасным дополняющим инструментом помощи саморазвития и самореализации.

Каждый рисунок имеет свою тему, свою эмоцию, свою цель. Про каждый я могу долго и увлеченно рассказывать, но сам рисунок лучше тысячи слов. Я приглашаю всех желающих присоединяться к классам, которые я провожу на регулярной основе или, если есть группа желающих, то приглашайте, я с удовольствем провожу выездные классы и вебинары.

Video Lessons

In March 2020 I started to post regular YouTube videos with Neurographica lessons. Everyone is welcome to try this magical drawing.   Being an Artist is easy!

Neurographica class. Make a wish upon a shooting star! A fallen star!

Neurographica class. Make a wish upon a shooting star! A fallen star!

#neurographica #neurographics #annaromanenko #neurographicaworld In this class we will make a wish. It's August Meteor Shower the best opportunity to see a shooting star. But we can create this opportunity for ourselves. Let's draw together your wish, activate it and let it shine! I wish all your wishes come true in best way for you! Every month we have Neurographica Basic User Level Certification Course. Details about it here Every odd month we start NeuroGraphica Specialist Level Course. More details here Every Friday at 6:00 PM Pacific time we have a Neurographica master class. Every week we have a different topic to explore. You may participate in our class or buy the recording. Registration for classes is here Welcome to our International Neurographica group You'll be able to share your drawings, receive our feedback and be part of a beautiful creative community! Everybody is welcome! Follow us on Instagram Neurographica method helps to initiate positive changes in your life. This video shows how to use Neurographica to balance our mind and inspire creativity and imagination. It helps to recognize patterns or hidden obstacles. and try different steps to find a creative solution. Use it as the Art Meditation for self - exploration, expressing your emotions, holding a positive intention and increase your personal vibration. Neurographica helps us to activate our creativity and explore our hidden potentials. Very simple and beautiful method to transform our reality. My name is Anna Romanenko and I am a certified Neurographica instructor, Healer, Systemic Constellations Facilitator, Woodcarver. More information about me you may find here My contact information is The author offers this material to help you expand your awareness of your subconscious mind and behavior patterns . It is never meant to be a substitute for medical or psychological care and does not constitute medical advice. It is essential that watchers who have reason to suspect illness in themselves or others seek appropriate professional help for themselves or direct others to do so.
NeuroGraphica Introduction Class. Basic elements and steps. Lifting Inner Constraints. For Beginners

NeuroGraphica Introduction Class. Basic elements and steps. Lifting Inner Constraints. For Beginners

#neurographica #neurographics #annaromanenko #neurographicaworld #neurographic #neurographicart #art All links to our upcoming classes and courses are in the calendar here Regularly we have Neurographica Basic User Level Certification Course. Details about it here Many powerful classes could be found here Welcome to our International Neurographica group You'll be able to share your drawings, receive our feedback and be part of a beautiful creative community! Everybody is welcome! Follow us on Instagram Neurographica method helps to initiate positive changes in your life. This video shows how to use Neurographica to balance our mind and inspire creativity and imagination. It helps to recognize patterns or hidden obstacles. and try different steps to find a creative solution. Use it as the Art Meditation for self - exploration, expressing your emotions, holding a positive intention and increase your personal vibration. Neurographica helps us to activate our creativity and explore our hidden potentials. Very simple and beautiful method to transform our reality. My name is Anna Romanenko and I am a certified Neurographica instructor, Healer, Systemic Constellations Facilitator, Woodcarver. More information about me you may find here The author offers this material to help you expand your awareness of your subconscious mind and behavior patterns . It is never meant to be a substitute for medical or psychological care and does not constitute medical advice. It is essential that watchers who have reason to suspect illness in themselves or others seek appropriate professional help for themselves or direct others to do so. I'd like to share with you a list of materials that I use for Neurographica. I've included links, so you can see exact product. 1. Paper. I use 4 kinds of paper · A4 multipurpose paper, that I use most of the time. · A4 watercolor paper. Very sturdy paper · A3 for bigger drawings. Good sturdy cardstock. · A5 cards are used for marathon drawings. 2. For neurolines I use Uni-Ball pens 1.0 mm Black You may find black ink refills. Colored. Pay attention to the tip. I use 1.0 mm. Refills are available as well. At the beginning I highly recommend to use markers instead of pens. It's easier to round with markers but pens give you more control and details. 3. For black Field lines I use Faber-Castell brush For colored Field lines I use Sharpie brush tip Brush tip is easier to use over colored pencils without ruining it. 4. Colored pencils by Prismacolor Premier. I have a set of 150, but I do not use half of them. 72 usually enough. 5. One of my treasures are Dry Highlighters by Staedtler 6. Highlighters are thicker than usual pencils and I use this sharpener with double hole 7. For regular highlighters I use Stabilo I have many other markers and colored pencils, but this list covers 90% of my Neurographica needs. Please share what works the best for you.
Neurographica. Conjoining or rounding in Neurographica. Healing Art basic steps tutorial.

Neurographica. Conjoining or rounding in Neurographica. Healing Art basic steps tutorial.

#neurographica #neurographics #annaromanenko #neurographicaworld #neurographic #neurographicart #art All links to our upcoming classes and courses are in the calendar here Regularly we have Neurographica Basic User Level Certification Course. Details about it here Many powerful classes could be found here Welcome to our International Neurographica group You'll be able to share your drawings, receive our feedback and be part of a beautiful creative community! Everybody is welcome! Follow us on Instagram Neurographica method helps to initiate positive changes in your life. This video shows how to use Neurographica to balance our mind and inspire creativity and imagination. It helps to recognize patterns or hidden obstacles. and try different steps to find a creative solution. Use it as the Art Meditation for self - exploration, expressing your emotions, holding a positive intention and increase your personal vibration. Neurographica helps us to activate our creativity and explore our hidden potentials. Very simple and beautiful method to transform our reality. My name is Anna Romanenko and I am a certified Neurographica instructor, Healer, Systemic Constellations Facilitator, Woodcarver. More information about me you may find here My contact information is The author offers this material to help you expand your awareness of your subconscious mind and behavior patterns . It is never meant to be a substitute for medical or psychological care and does not constitute medical advice. It is essential that watchers who have reason to suspect illness in themselves or others seek appropriate professional help for themselves or direct others to do so.
Neurographica, How to draw the NeuroLine. Healing Art basic steps tutorial.

Neurographica, How to draw the NeuroLine. Healing Art basic steps tutorial.

#neurographica #neurographics #annaromanenko #neurographicaworld #neurographic #neurographicart #art All links to our upcoming classes and courses are in the calendar here Regularly we have Neurographica Basic User Level Certification Course. Details about it here Many powerful classes could be found here Welcome to our International Neurographica group You'll be able to share your drawings, receive our feedback and be part of a beautiful creative community! Everybody is welcome! Follow us on Instagram Neurographica method helps to initiate positive changes in your life. This video shows how to use Neurographica to balance our mind and inspire creativity and imagination. It helps to recognize patterns or hidden obstacles. and try different steps to find a creative solution. Use it as the Art Meditation for self - exploration, expressing your emotions, holding a positive intention and increase your personal vibration. Neurographica helps us to activate our creativity and explore our hidden potentials. Very simple and beautiful method to transform our reality. My name is Anna Romanenko and I am a certified Neurographica instructor, Healer, Systemic Constellations Facilitator, Woodcarver. More information about me you may find here The author offers this material to help you expand your awareness of your subconscious mind and behavior patterns . It is never meant to be a substitute for medical or psychological care and does not constitute medical advice. It is essential that watchers who have reason to suspect illness in themselves or others seek appropriate professional help for themselves or direct others to do so.
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