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Я предлагаю курсы Нейрографики, Целительской практики Колаймни, Арт классы по созданию мандал в стиле Доттинг и других техниках

Искусство исцеляет, и всё есть Искусство!


Обо мне

Анна Романенко


Инструктор Колаймни, Мастер Рэйки, Специалист по Системным расстановкам, резчик по дереву, художник, поэт и преподаватель.

Давайте знакомиться, меня зовут Анна Романенко. Если бы мне еще 5 лет назад сказали, что я буду называть себя целителем, то я бы рассмеялась и не поверила, но жизнь распорядилась иначе.

Моя Практика

Целительство, Творчество и Обучение


Я являюсь сертифицированным инструктором и практикующим специалистом по нескольким целительским практикам. Но важней всего, я считаю обучение других, использованию целительских энергий.


Нейрографика - это метод креативного рисования, пробуждающее само-познание, осознанность и саморазвитие. Я регулярно создаю обучающие видео и провожу групповые занятия.

Резьба по дереву

Это дань уважения традициям народа, который жил задолго до прихода белого человека. Резьба по дереву позволяет мне концентрироваться на процессе, отключая круговорот мыслей.

Мандалы в стиле Доттинг

Этот простой метод медитативного рисования позволяет расслабиться и активизировать творческий потенциал. Я часто организую классы для взрослых и детей по созданию мандал.


Исцеляющее искусство: Методы и Практики

Neurographica, How to draw the NeuroLine. Healing Art basic steps tutorial.

Neurographica, How to draw the NeuroLine. Healing Art basic steps tutorial.

#neurographica #neurographics #annaromanenko #neurographicaworld #neurographic #neurographicart #art All links to our upcoming classes and courses are in the calendar here Regularly we have Neurographica Basic User Level Certification Course. Details about it here Many powerful classes could be found here Welcome to our International Neurographica group You'll be able to share your drawings, receive our feedback and be part of a beautiful creative community! Everybody is welcome! Follow us on Instagram Neurographica method helps to initiate positive changes in your life. This video shows how to use Neurographica to balance our mind and inspire creativity and imagination. It helps to recognize patterns or hidden obstacles. and try different steps to find a creative solution. Use it as the Art Meditation for self - exploration, expressing your emotions, holding a positive intention and increase your personal vibration. Neurographica helps us to activate our creativity and explore our hidden potentials. Very simple and beautiful method to transform our reality. My name is Anna Romanenko and I am a certified Neurographica instructor, Healer, Systemic Constellations Facilitator, Woodcarver. More information about me you may find here The author offers this material to help you expand your awareness of your subconscious mind and behavior patterns . It is never meant to be a substitute for medical or psychological care and does not constitute medical advice. It is essential that watchers who have reason to suspect illness in themselves or others seek appropriate professional help for themselves or direct others to do so.
Neurographica. Conjoining or rounding in Neurographica. Healing Art basic steps tutorial.

Neurographica. Conjoining or rounding in Neurographica. Healing Art basic steps tutorial.

#neurographica #neurographics #annaromanenko #neurographicaworld #neurographic #neurographicart #art All links to our upcoming classes and courses are in the calendar here Regularly we have Neurographica Basic User Level Certification Course. Details about it here Many powerful classes could be found here Welcome to our International Neurographica group You'll be able to share your drawings, receive our feedback and be part of a beautiful creative community! Everybody is welcome! Follow us on Instagram Neurographica method helps to initiate positive changes in your life. This video shows how to use Neurographica to balance our mind and inspire creativity and imagination. It helps to recognize patterns or hidden obstacles. and try different steps to find a creative solution. Use it as the Art Meditation for self - exploration, expressing your emotions, holding a positive intention and increase your personal vibration. Neurographica helps us to activate our creativity and explore our hidden potentials. Very simple and beautiful method to transform our reality. My name is Anna Romanenko and I am a certified Neurographica instructor, Healer, Systemic Constellations Facilitator, Woodcarver. More information about me you may find here My contact information is The author offers this material to help you expand your awareness of your subconscious mind and behavior patterns . It is never meant to be a substitute for medical or psychological care and does not constitute medical advice. It is essential that watchers who have reason to suspect illness in themselves or others seek appropriate professional help for themselves or direct others to do so.
Neurographica. Collective anxiety. Group project with Anna Romanenko

Neurographica. Collective anxiety. Group project with Anna Romanenko

Release of a group anxiety and transformation it to the Creativity. We all felt much more peaceful and joyful. #neurographica #neurographics #annaromanenko #neurographicaworld #neurographic #neurographicart #art All links to our upcoming classes and courses are in the calendar here Regularly we have Neurographica Basic User Level Certification Course. Details about it here Many powerful classes could be found here Welcome to our International Neurographica group You'll be able to share your drawings, receive our feedback and be part of a beautiful creative community! Everybody is welcome! Follow us on Instagram Neurographica method helps to initiate positive changes in your life. This video shows how to use Neurographica to balance our mind and inspire creativity and imagination. It helps to recognize patterns or hidden obstacles. and try different steps to find a creative solution. Use it as the Art Meditation for self - exploration, expressing your emotions, holding a positive intention and increase your personal vibration. Neurographica helps us to activate our creativity and explore our hidden potentials. Very simple and beautiful method to transform our reality. My name is Anna Romanenko and I am a certified Neurographica instructor, Healer, Systemic Constellations Facilitator, Woodcarver. More information about me you may find here My contact information is The author offers this material to help you expand your awareness of your subconscious mind and behavior patterns . It is never meant to be a substitute for medical or psychological care and does not constitute medical advice. It is essential that watchers who have reason to suspect illness in themselves or others seek appropriate professional help for themselves or direct others to do so.
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